Cooperating with research institutions in eleven European and African countries, we examine predominant narratives of crisis currently shaping the debates about migration and integration in countries of the European Union. In addition, we are looking for new, more inclusive narratives. They are meant to include people with migratory backgrounds on equal terms.

Crises as Opportunities
Towards a Level Telling Field on Migration and a New Narrative of Successful Integration
About the Research
This project transcends purely academic perspectives. Its methodologies range from theory formation and quantitative data analyses via narratological explorations of print products and social media (country-specific case studies) to participative research processes on a local level, which take the shape of so-called “Cross-Talks.” The latter are at the core of the project and aim to allow for a wide range of perspectives and alternative points of view, supporting an ethics of listening. The results will be communicated on local, national, and EU-levels, and they will be mediated via academic as well as artistic formats.
Contributions to the work package “theory formation;” contributions to the work package “history and context of narratives;” contributions to the work package “methodological development Cross-Talk;” implementation of “Cross-Talks” in Austria; documentation and communication of the findings in academic articles, public events, and artistic forms of mediation.