A Future-Oriented Mentoring Initiative for Children

The mentoring project “Lernen macht Schule” is an initiative that seeks to challenge the fact that poverty at home can significantly restrict opportunities to obtain a good education. After all, education is key for peacefully living together in our society! Twice a week, students from the University of Salzburg mentor children growing up in socially disadvantaged families. In the meetings, mentors and mentees jointly study for exams, do homework assignments, support the development of the children’s personality, and engage in leisure time activities.

Mentoring-Projekt „Lernen macht Schule“

A Future-Oriented Initiative

About the Project

“Lernen macht Schule” is an initiative that seeks to challenge the fact that poverty at home can significantly restrict opportunities to obtain a good education. After all, education is key for peacefully living together in our society! Twice a week, students from the University of Salzburg mentor children growing up in socially disadvantaged families, in cooperation with Caritas Salzburg’s Lerncafés (“Study Cafés”). In the meetings, mentors and mentees jointly study for exams, do homework assignments, support the development of the children’s personality, and engage in leisure time activities. Experienced employees with a socio-pedagogical background support, accompany, and supervise the university students. To those students, the mentoring project is an opportunity to further develop their social and pedagogical skillset, to be an ‘educational role model’, and, in addition, to get firsthand insights into the workings of a non-profit organization.


The Aim

To support learning and integration by enabling exchange among students and young people growing up in socially disadvantaged families. In that way, the mentoring project helps children, adolescents, and young adults who have to overcome major barriers to gain access to education in consequence of poverty and social exclusion. Simultaneously, the project aims to install a sense of social responsibility in future academics. The academic supervision by researchers from the ifz is a core element of the project.


“Lernen macht Schule“ Vienna

The mentoring project was initiated in 2010 at Vienna University of Economics and Business. Caritas Vienna  and Rewe International AG are co-initiators.

„Lernen macht Schule“ Salzburg

In Salzburg, “Lernen macht Schule” was initiated by the Salzburg Ethics Initiativethe Centre for Ethics and Poverty Research (CEPR), Caritas Salzburg and the International Research Center for Social and Ethical Questions (ifz). The mentoring project is funded by the project sponsors and supported by Raiffeisenverband Salzburg, “Lernen macht Schule” at Vienna University of Economics and Business.



Eisl Angelika

Project Manager “Lernen macht Schule,” Sociologyaeisl@ifz-salzburg.at


Lernbuddys für Mentoring-Projekt “Lernen macht Schule” gesucht!

Projekte 19. Jan, 2022

Sie sind sozial interessiert und studieren in Salzburg? Sie können sich vorstellen, jungen Menschen aus sozial benachteiligten Familien in Salzburg Zeit zu schenken und ein Stück Welt zu öffnen? Sie wollen sich gerade jetzt in diesen heraufordernden Zeiten einbringen? Dann sind bei bei uns richtig! Ab sofort können Sie sich für das Sommersemester 2022 als…

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Projekte 17. Nov, 2021

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“Lernen macht Schule” startet ins neue Semester!

Projekte 6. Oct, 2021

Vergangene Woche fiel der Startschuss für das neue Lernbuddy-Wintersemester 2021/2022. In den kommenden Monaten kümmern sich erneut rund 30 Studierende der Universität Salzburg um Kinder und Jugendliche aus sozial benachteiligten Familien.

„Corona Lectures“ auf YouTube

Projekte 2. Aug, 2021

Ab sofort kann der Filmmitschnitt zu den „Corona Lectures – Was Jugendliche stärkt“ vom 30. Mai auf YouTube angesehen werden. Ab Minute 27 präsentieren ifz-Wissenschaftlerin Elisabeth Buchner und Caritas-Mitarbeiterin Suzana Antonijevic die Studie „Salzburger Jugend-Mentoring-Projekte während der Pandemie“. Bei dem Vortrag im Bildungshaus St. Virgil wurde darüber diskutiert, was aus der Pandemie im Hinblick auf die Resilienz…

Mit Spiel und Spaß in den Sommer!

Projekte 6. Jul, 2021

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