Social Help Desk – One Stop Shop

The focus of this research project is the evaluation of a newly established, central contact point for those people who are far removed from the labor market due to numerous overlapping problems. Together with Pro Mente Salzburg and fit2work, clients are looked after individually and stabilized in their social and health situation.

Social Help Desk – One Stop Shop

About the Research

The overall goal of the project is to gradually introduce people with multiple problems, who are far from the labour market, to the labour market. The focus is on stabilising and improving the social and health situation of the clients and improving their professional qualifications. Clients receive individual support through case management by trainers from Pro Mente Salzburg, which is intended to strengthen their self-help potential and self-esteem, aims to improve communication skills and build up capabilities required for a successful integration into the labour market. The programme offers to clients a “One Stop Shop” – a central contact point that clarifies all relevant questions and deals with problems directly with the concerned persons. A special feature is the interface with the “fit2work” programme, which aims to promote the health of employees: Health and social problems are to be comprehensively clarified and subsequently dealt with, through the mutual assignment of clients. The project, which is scheduled for a period of 3 years, will be accompanied scientifically on an ongoing basis.


  • Annual interim reports and presentation of the findings to the project’s steering group
  • Comprehensive final report in March/April 2025 based on the results of the accompanying scientific research.


Bahtić-Kunrath Birgit

Research Fellow, Political Science, Human Rights and