Sedmak Clemens
Prof. DDDr. Clemens Sedmak holds the Chair of Social Ethics at the Keough School for Global Affairs at the University of Notre Dame (Indiana, USA). He served as president of the ifz from 2008 to 2017 and was subsequently a member of the advisory board. In the fall of 2021, he has assumed the vice-presidency of the ifz.
A Broad Range of Expertise: From Epistemology via Poverty Research to Ethics in Leadership
Poverty research and social ethics (world hunger, labor and work environments, unemployment), epistemology and philosophy of science, religious philosophy, and religious studies. Since 2008, Sedmak has been working on questions about ethics in leadership, and he has conceptualized an international further education course for people in leadership positions.
The Essence of Life: His Family
The multiplicity of professional activities should not distract from the fact that there is one thing that is at the center of life: to continuously practice the art of loving, as Erich Fromm has phrased it. The best way to do so is in his family: His wife Maria and their children Magdalena, Gabriel, and Jonathan are his support, his source of life, and they confront him with challenges that are quite different from those he encounters in his professional life.