C. Sedmak: Mission as Kinship on the Margins. In: International Bulletin of Mission Research 41,4, 2017, 1-12.
C. Sedmak: The Soul of Development. In: Journal for Moral Theology 6,1, 2017, 21-38.
A. Van Lancker/O. Leßmann/J. Leaman/I. Nicaise/J. Heuslein: Towards a Social, Sustainable, and Equitable Europe: Integrating and Implementing the European Pillar of Social Rights and the Sustainable Development Goals. Eurodiaconia, Brussels: 2017.
G. Graf/M. Cabezas/G. Schweiger: Justice and Disadvantages during Childhood, What has the Capabilities Approach to Offer?. Special Issue. In Ethical Perspectives 23 (1), 2016.
G. Graf/G. Schweiger: Poor Fat Kids: Social Justice at the Intersection of Obesity and Poverty in Childhood. In: Dilemata, 8 (2016), nº 21, 53-70.
O. Leßmann: Is there a starting gate to responsible adulthood? Childhood, equality of opportunity and the capability approach. In: Journal of Ethical Perspectives 23 (4), 2016, 709–728.
O. Leßmann: Book Review: Anthony B. Atkinson Inequality. What can be done? In: Journal of European Social Policy 26(3), 296–297, 2016, doi: 10.1177/0958928716645077.
Book contributions
I. Gstach/E. Kapferer: How can Public Participation Project Generate Social Capital? A Case Study of the Austrian Social Festival Keep the Ball Rolling. In: Rethinking Social Capital. Global Contributions from Theory and Practice. E. Kapferer et al. (Hrsg.), Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2017, 259-284.
C. Sedmak: Peace, Vulnerability and the Human Imagination. In: The Poesis of Peace. Narratives, Cultures and Philosophies. Klaus-Gerd Giesen, Carol Kersten, Lenart Skof (Hrsg.), London/New York: Routledge, 2017, 27-40.
C. Sedmak: On Bridging. In: Rethinking Social Capital. Global Contributions from Theory and Practice. E. Kapferer et al. (Hrsg.), Cambridge: Cambridge Scholarship, 2017, 19-3
G. Graf/G. Schweiger: Social Policy and Justice for Children. In: Justice, Education and the Politics of Childhood. Johannes Drerup, Gunter Graf, Christoph Schickhardt, Gottfried Schweiger (Hrsg.), Springer: Dordrecht/New York 2016, 101–114.
G. Graf/M. Cabezas: Children’s Rights, Bodily Integrity and Poverty Alleviation. In: Ethical Issues in Poverty Alleviation. Helmut P. Gaisbauer, Gottfried Schweiger, Clemens Sedmak (Hrsg.), Springer: Dordrecht/New York 2016, 57-73.