Competence models for church staff in Salzburg
In 2025, we are launching a new project for the archidocese of Salzburg focusing on organizational and talent development. What do different professional groups in a church context need to do their work well and with pleasure?

Competence models for church staff of the archidocese of Salzburg
Creating meaning and realising potential (in the workplace)
About the Research
Methodologically, the project combines different types of qualitative research, starting with a total of eight group staff interviews from March to July 2025. These experiences – deriving from various work contexts within the archdiocese – are intended to help define the staff’s main activites and document the skills and competencies required for them. In a second step, the collected material will be refined in several interactive workshops (autumn 2025).
At the end of the project (summer 2026) – which also includes a document analysis and numerous individual interviews with key decision-makers – four to five competence models will be presented. By summarizing the most important findings, these mini booklets will provide important orientation in personnel matters as well as in creating individual employee profiles. In this way, the project aims to contribute to developing a happy, meaningful and future-oriented working environment in a church context.
Research Methods
- Group interviews
- Executive interviews
- Document analysis
Customised competence models for four to five selected job bundles (“mini booklets” for use in day-to-day work).