Integration into the Labor Market

Commissioned by the State of Salzburg, we are academically supervising a Salzburg-based project that develops a model to gradually develop work skills for people who have difficulties with participating in the labor market.

This project is financed by the European Social Fund:

Academic Monitoring and Support in Implementing ESF Measures

Intended Research

Academic consultation of the Working Group for Social Inclusion of the State of Salzburg regarding the design and implementation of measures to activate and (re-)integrate recipients of means-tested minimal income in Salzburg (during the ESF-period 2014-2020).


Bahtić-Kunrath Birgit

Research Fellow, Political Science, Human Rights and


Clemens Sedmak über neues Gesundheitsbewusstsein

Pressespiegel 10. Aug, 2021

Clemens Sedmak im Gespräch mit Dietmar Schobel vom Magazin „Gesundes Österreich“: Über die Auswirkungen der Covid-19-Pandemie auf unser Leben und gesundheitliche Ungleichheit.